3 Common Pest Problems That Plague Log Homes

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Do you live in an area where ticks have become a serious problem? Do you have children and pets to worry about as they play outside? If so, it is time for you to learn about tick extermination and control. How you maintain your property and how you prepare to go outside can have a big impact on how likely you, your family and your pets are to be exposed to the diseases carried by ticks. My site can help you maintain your yard and take care of your pets and children so that they are safe to play outside on the warm summer days.


3 Common Pest Problems That Plague Log Homes

12 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you own a log home, then you're bound to run into a variety of pest problems. Part of the attraction of a log home is the beauty of the natural logs. However, that same beauty attracts many different types of pests. Below are three of the more common pests that you will run into, and some solutions on how to deal with them.

Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees are a really big problem for log homes. They chew into the logs and burrow deep into them. They create tunnels and live in them. If they are left alone to do this destructive behavior, they will completely destroy the wood. The problem with dealing with carpenter bees is that you need to kill the bees that are hiding deep in the log. If you only plug up the hole, the bees in the interior tunnels will simply bore out a different hole. You need to have an exterminator come in and shoot a poison dust deep into the log using a special instrument. Then they can plug up the holes. The poison dust will kill all of the bees that are inside the log.


Woodpeckers are also a problem, especially if you have carpenter bees in your logs. The bees are food for the woodpeckers. The woodpeckers will attack the holes that the carpenter bees made and enlarge them and hunt for the bees inside. The woodpeckers will completely chip apart the log if they are left to their own devices.

The first step in preventing woodpecker damage is to make sure you kill all of the carpenter bees inside. This removes the food that the woodpeckers are looking for. However, sometimes the woodpeckers might return in hope of finding new food. One method of preventing woodpeckers from landing on the logs and tapping is to hang reflective mirrors and wind chimes. The sunlight reflects off of the mirrors and is unpleasant to the woodpeckers and the sound of the wind chime discourages them. Another method some people use is to get a plastic model of a predator bird. If the woodpecker sees an owl or hawk around your property, they are less likely to hang around.


The final type of pest, and one of the most dangerous, are termites. These little pests not only attack the exterior logs, but they can eat into the interior of your home. If they are not stopped, they can eat away at the support studs and any other piece of wood in your home. A professional termite exterminator is needed to deal with these pests. Because subterranean termites are a major issue, the exterminator is going to want to closely inspect the basement, as well as the perimeter of your foundation. If they find termite entrances, they will poison the nests as well as treat the entrances with a chemical that will discourage further termites from using the opening.

This is not something you can do yourself. A termite exterminator like Tri-County Termite & Pest Control, Inc. might have to drill into the foundation with masonry drill bits, as well as pump gallons of poison far down into the earth surrounding the home. The termites in the home will die off because they cannot make the return trip to the soil for water.