Three Signs You Need Professional Bedbug Removal

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Do you live in an area where ticks have become a serious problem? Do you have children and pets to worry about as they play outside? If so, it is time for you to learn about tick extermination and control. How you maintain your property and how you prepare to go outside can have a big impact on how likely you, your family and your pets are to be exposed to the diseases carried by ticks. My site can help you maintain your yard and take care of your pets and children so that they are safe to play outside on the warm summer days.


Three Signs You Need Professional Bedbug Removal

5 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Bedbugs are one of the worst types of pests that can take up residence within your home, since they can quickly breed and spread over all of the fabric surfaces within your house. Further, the bites that they leave can be extremely painful, and they can prevent you from comfortably sleeping in your own home, which can disrupt all other aspects of your life. Knowing some of the signs associated with bedbugs in your home can help you determine when you need to get in touch with a professional exterminator to remove the population from your home and get your life back on track again.


The first—and fortunately one of the easiest to spot—signs that you may have bedbugs in your home is if you find any sort of staining on your bedsheets or any other fabric surface. These dark stains range in color from black to brown or red: the darker stains will be excrement that the bedbugs will leave behind after feeding, whereas the reddish stains are blood stains that are left over from when they have bitten you, a family member, or a pet. In any case, neither points to a desirable outcome, and you should talk to a pest control specialist straight away.

Discarded Shells

Another sign that you have a sizeable bedbug population within your home is if you have found empty shells scattered around your sheets, floors, or really anywhere else throughout your home. These shells are small and brown, and will sometimes have wings attached to them or discarded nearby. The larger the amount of shells that you find throughout your home, the bigger the bedbug problem is; shells are shed as bedbugs come of age, which means that the population is growing.


Finally, the last major warning sign of a bedbug problem within your home, short of actually seeing bedbugs themselves, is the presence of their eggs anywhere in your home. Bedbug eggs are laid in white clusters, and tend to be in out-of-the-way areas such as along the seams of your box spring or mattress, between the cushions of your couch, and other tucked away areas.  Do not attempt to remove the eggs yourself, since it is easy to accidentally spread them to other areas of your home—instead, wait until a professional has the opportunity to remove them with specialized tools and equipment.

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