Steps To Take If You Discover Bed Bugs In Your Home

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Steps To Take If You Discover Bed Bugs In Your Home

10 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you find out that you have bed bugs living within the confines of your home, you undoubtedly want to have them eradicated as soon as possible. At the first indications of a bed bug problem perform the following steps to ensure they are eliminated in their entirety.

Remove All Bedding To Wash 

Bed bugs take up residence upon bed frames, mattresses, and around sleeping areas. They then come out of their hiding places at night and bite people or pets as they drink upon blood as their main source of sustainment. After bed bugs are found, it is imperative that you remove the bedding from the room in which they were found so it can be laundered. Wash all bedding in the hottest water temperature possible. Afterward, dry it at the highest heat setting on your dryer. This will kill any bed bugs that were present on the material of your bedding. Include the washing and drying of any pillows you kept on your bed.

Tend To Other Items In The Room

In addition to bedding, you want to take care of other items to ensure bed bugs are not using them as resting areas. Carpeting requires professional cleaning to remove bed bug carcasses or eggs. Stuffed animals and clothing in the room should be placed in dark garbage bags. Tie the bags tightly and place them on your porch, in your garage, or in a shed. The bags will contain any bed bugs on the items. The bed bugs will lose oxygen and perish. It is best to keep the items inside the bags for several weeks to ensure no living bed bugs remain. Wipe down or wash all items that were in the bags after the wait time passes.

Contact A Pest Control Service

Bed bugs are extremely difficult to remove on your own. For this reason, most people reach out to pest control services in their areas to aid in the elimination of these pests. A professional pest control service will evaluate the interior of your home for signs of an infestation. They will then use powerful agents to kill off any bed bugs from your home's interior. This usually requires that all people and pets are not in the home during the process. A pest control service worker will make recommendations regarding steps you can take when traveling so you do not bring bed bugs home with you in the future.

Contact bed bug services to learn more.