Why Bait Is An Effective Pest Control Treatment And How To Use It

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Do you live in an area where ticks have become a serious problem? Do you have children and pets to worry about as they play outside? If so, it is time for you to learn about tick extermination and control. How you maintain your property and how you prepare to go outside can have a big impact on how likely you, your family and your pets are to be exposed to the diseases carried by ticks. My site can help you maintain your yard and take care of your pets and children so that they are safe to play outside on the warm summer days.


Why Bait Is An Effective Pest Control Treatment And How To Use It

23 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

There are a few ways to approach pest control. Some methods work better on certain insects than others. Bait is a common pest control treatment for insects like ants and termites. Here's why bait is effective and how to use it. 

Why Insect Bait Is Useful For Pest Control

Insect bait is used for killing a variety of bugs. Bait is usually slow acting so the insects can use it to contaminate and kill other bugs they come in contact with. This is the reason bait works on termites and ants that live in colonies. The insects find the bait and carry it back to the colony. This infects the entire population. The bait might work by killing the bugs or by keeping them from reproducing.

Bait is only effective if it's used properly. It's meant to lure the insects into eating it. The right bait has to be used, especially on ants that have preferences for the type of foods they eat. You may want a pest control company to identify the ant first and then choose the best type of bait to use.

How To Use Bait For Controlling Pests

Bait is often used outdoors so it can kill off bugs before they get in your house. However, bait can also be used indoors in the basement, attic, and cracks along the baseboards. Bait comes in granules and gel. The granules can be spread around the perimeter of your house for protection against ants and roaches. Bait stations can be buried under the ground for termites.

It's important to make insect bait appealing for the bugs and to not use repellents near them. Even when bait is used indoors, you want the bugs to find it and carry the bait back to the colony, so resist killing bugs you see eating the bait.

Bait is usually a slower-acting type of pest control, especially bait that interferes with reproduction. You may want help from an exterminator if you have an active infestation. Since termites and carpenter ants can be destructive, you want to select the right type of treatment to eliminate them, and that could take the expertise of a pest control company.

Placing the bait in the right location is also important, and this sometimes takes knowledge of how the pests live, eat, and travel through your home. Bait isn't the only type of pest treatment and preventative, but it's often an effective choice, so you may want to discuss using it with your exterminator for controlling a variety of insects, including destructive ants and termites.

Contact a company like Good News Pest Solutions to learn more.